Fairy Godmother

Please, let me be your pregnant/new mom fairy godmother and tell you 4 things I learned this past year during those weird/exciting times of pregnancy and motherhood. 

1. The time between peeing on a stick and getting your first ultrasound are a weird few weeks. You know you're pregnant, but you haven't seen an ultrasound to prove it. Once I had a positive test we were so excited and wanted to tell the world, but it was a few weeks before we had the ultrasound to confirm we were pregnant. That did not stop us from telling our family and close friends because I am terrible at keeping secrets ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  Also, that first ultrasound isn't on your tummy if you know what I mean.... 

2. You will pee your pants a little when you sneeze. I always heard moms say this and I would always tell myself, "That won't be me! I can totally hold my pee!" Ha, good one Kristy. You'll keep telling yourself that until one day you sneeze at the mall and think your water broke, but it was just you peeing your pants a little. 

3. Breastfeeding hurts so bad. I heard after a week or 2 it gets a lot better, but honestly I couldn't even get to that point. 4 days into breastfeeding I started to pump and it changed my life. I didn't have to cry everytime I fed Ellie and Peter could help feed her too which was a lifesaver. 2 months into pumping and I couldn't keep up with what Ellie needed, so I decided to switch to formula and I think we are all better for it. I don't feel stressed out from not producing enough milk and I'm not resenting Ellie for her constant hunger. AKA: Do whatever makes sense for you and your baby. Don't let anyone judge you for doing the best for you and your lil family. Bye momshamers! 

4. You will lose all your hair and go bald. Just kidding, but it will feel like that. I'm in the thick of it currently and it. is. no. joke. You could have made another Kristy out of all the hair that has come off my head this past week. While being pregnant you don't really lose a lot of hair and it gets beautiful and thick and you feel like a hair model. It's great! Then one day hair starts to fall out and it does not stop. 

xoxo your fairy godmother